Every business today faces unique challenges that impact the ability to thrive! We recognize this, and offer our combined experience on a wide range of aspects that can help your business.

There are many business consultants out there, that have “consultant” degrees or some other type of “credentials;” Yet have never owned or ran successful businesses themselves. To us this is incredulous to expect to receive effective advice and insight from someone that has absolutely no business experience. Look….. would you rather have a fine meal prepared by a qualified chef who has significant experience preparing a diverse array of great food, or have someone make a meal that “knows” how food should taste, and considers himself a foodie? You decide… We know who we would choose!

What we offer  you, are well-rounded, no bull, personalized business strategies born from our own personal successes, and successes helping our clients. Our advice and consulting methods materialize by looking through your eyes as a business owner, we literally try to put ourselves in your shoes and then try to determine the optimal moves based on the results you desire!

We consult on the areas below….

Business Planning –

  1. Helping you create and clarify your vision
  2. Create goals and accountability in regards to meeting and fulfilling them
  3. Create solid business plans
  4. Plan proper execution of the business launch
  5. Compile research regarding target markets and competition
  6. Lock down product offerings/services. Create financial plans around these.
  7. Marketing strategy
  8. Branding/design guidelines
  9. Sales strategy & support materials
  10. Cash


  1. Research, evaluate and recommend target markets (review potential markets against business plan)
  2. Brand/re-brand
  3. Create websites or redesign your current one
  4. Customized full branding and marketing materials
  5. SEO
  6. Social media evaluation and implementation – (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Etc.)
  7. Implement proven marketing techniques


  1. Production/ manufacturing evaluation
  2. Real world LEAN manufacturing and efficiencies practices- We say real-world because we understand as business owners, budgets are often the constraining factor, and we implement plans that are budget-friendly and realistic.
  3. Raw material/ product acquisition
  4. Machinery/technology purchasing
  5. Logistics advice

Company Culture

  1. Analyze employee culture and atmosphere
  2. Define/re-define vision/mission documents
  3. Assess employee utilization, and systems efficacy
  4. Create outstanding customer service teams
  5. One-on-one sales training and guidance concerning setting proper client expectation
  6. Proper business etiquette


We look forward to working with you to create a Thriving, profitable business together!

Onward to the Top!
